
【プレゼンテーションを英語で観よう!】米テスラがTesla Botを発表!






今回は、先日アメリカの自動車会社Teslaが開催した”AI Day”というイベントにて発表された人型ロボットTesla Botをプレゼンした際の以下の動画(Tesla公式動画)を取り上げました。


前半 Tesla Bot開発に至った背景 & 大まかなスペック

まずは、Tesla Bot開発に至った背景とスペックについて話している2:05:14~2:09:19のシーンです。



“And next up, Elon will update us on what’s beyond our vehicle fleet for AI.”

Elon Musk氏(以降ずっと):
“All right. Thank you.”

“Now, unlike, unlike Dojo, obviously that was not real.”

“Uh, so Dojo is real, uh, the Tesla Bot will be real. Um, but basically, if you think about what we’re doing right now with the cars, Tesla is arguably the world’s biggest robotics company because our cars are like semi-sentient robots on wheels.”

“Um and with, uh, the full self-driving computer essentially the, the inference engine on the car which will keep evolving obviously and uh, Dojo and all the, uh, neural nets recognizing the world, understanding how to navigate through the world. Uh, it, it kind of makes sense to put that onto a humanoid form.”

“Um, we’re also quite good at sensors and batteries and actuators, so we think we’ll probably have a prototype sometime next year. That, uh, basically looks like this.”

“Uh and it’s intended to, um, uh, be friendly of course. And uh, navigate through a world, uh, built for humans and, uh, eliminate dangerous repetitive and boring tasks.”

“Um, we’re setting it such that it is, um, at a mechanical level, at a physical level, uh, you can run away from it, uh, fufufu. And and most likely overpower it, hehehe.”

“So, uh, hopefully that doesn’t ever happen but um, you never know. So it’s uh, it’ll be a, you know, a light, a light, just mo…, yeah a light.”

“Five miles an hour, you can get faster than that would be fine, hahahaha. Um, so, yes, it’s uh round, round, uh, 5 ft 8, um, has sort of a screen where the head is for useful information, um, but as otherwise basically got the autopilot system in it so it’s got cameras, got eight cameras and, um, yeah, um, Full Self-Driving computer. And making use of all of the same tools that we use in the car.”
((Tesla Botの最高速の)時速5マイルは、あなた方よりも十分遅い速度でしょう。ハハハハ(笑)。えー、はい、全長は5フィート8インチくらいで、有益な情報のためのちょっとしたスクリーンのようなものが搭載されますが、その他には基本的に自動運転システムが搭載されるので、8つのカメラと、はい、フルセルフドライビング(FSD)コンピュータが搭載されます。我々が車両で使用しているツールとすべて同じものを活用します。)

①next up = 次
②fleet = 艦隊、車隊
③unlike = 似ていない、違った
④obviously = 明らかに、明白に、
⑤basically = 基本的に、根本的に
⑥arguably = ほぼ間違いなく
⑦semi-sentient = 半ば知覚を持っている
⑧self-driving = 自動運転の
⑨inference = 推論、推定
⑩evolve ~ =  ~を進化させる
⑪recognize ~ = ~を認知する、認識する
⑫navigate through ~ = ~をうまく切り抜ける
⑬kind of = ちょっと、ある程度、多少
⑭make sense = 意味をなす、意味がわかる、道理に合う
⑮humanoid = 【形】人型の【名】人型ロボット
⑯prototype = 試作品、原型
⑰intend to V = Vするつもり(intend ~ = ~を意図する)
⑱eliminate ~ = ~を排除する、除去する、削除する
⑲repetitive = 繰り返しの
⑳boring = 退屈な(bore ~ = ~を退屈させる)
㉑such that ~ = ~であるように(な)
㉒run away from ~ = ~から逃げる
㉓most likely = 十中八九、ほとんどの場合
㉔overpower ~ = ~を負かす、取り押さえる
㉕hopefully = できることなら、願わくば
㉖You never know. = 先のことは誰にもわからない
㉗you know = 【間投】えーっと(つなぎ言葉(fillers)の一つで、こちらの記事で詳しく解説しています)
㉘round = だいたい、約
㉙sort of ~ = 多少の~、~みたいな
㉚otherwise = それ以外には
㉛make use of ~ = ~を活用する、使用する

“make sense”ってどういう意味?

“make sense”とは“道理に合う”とか

His theory doesn’t make sense for me.

If you have such a thought, your action makes sense.

Does it make sense?

“You never know.”ってどういう意味?

“You never know.”は直訳すると『あなたは決して知らない、わからない』となりますが、『未来のことは誰にもわからない』、『ひょっとしたらがあるかも』という意味になります。

We won’t win this game because our opponents are so strong.
You never know.

後半 Tesla Botの自律性と将来的な懸案に対する展望

後半は、2:09:19~2:11:20でTesla Botの自律性とロボットがもたらす将来的な懸案に対する展望を語っているシーンです。




“So, um, I mean, things I think that are really hard about, uh, having a useful humanoid robot, is it cannot navigate through the world without being explicitly trained.”

“Uh, I mean, it can’t without explicit, like uh, line-by-line instructions, um, can you, can you talk to it and say, you know, ‘Please, uh, pick up that bolt, um and uh, attach it to the car with that wrench‘, and it should be able to do that.”

“Um, it should be able to, you know, please, you know, ‘Please go to the store and get me the following groceries.’ Um, that kind of thing.

“So, yeah, I think we can do that. Um, hehehehe. And, yeah, this I think will be quite, quite profound because if you say like ‘What is the economy?’, it is uh, at the foundation where it is labor. So, what happens when there is uh, you know, no shortage of labor? Um, that’s why I think long-term that there will need to be universal basic income.”

“Yeah, but not right now because this robot doesn’t work, hehehe. And so we just didn’t need a minute. So, um, yeah but I think essentially in the future physical work will be a choice.

“If you want to do it, you can, but you won’t need to do it. And um, yeah, I think it obviously has profound implications for the economy because uh, given that economy at its foundational level is labor, I mean, capital is, capital equipment is just distilled labor.”

“Uh, then, um, is there any actual limit to the economy? Uh, maybe not. Uh, so, yeah, join our team and help build this.”

“All right, so I think we’ll, we’ll have everyone come back on the stage and you guys can ask questions if you’d like, yeah.”

①I mean = 【間投】えーっ、つまり(つなぎ言葉(fillers)の一つで、こちらの記事で詳しく解説しています)
②explicitly = はっきりと、明示的に
③explicit = はっきりとした、明白な
④line-by-line = 細かい、一行一行の
⑤instruction = 指示
⑥attach ~ = ~を取り付ける
⑦wrench = レンチ(工具)
⑧following = 次の、次に示す
⑨grocery = 食料品
⑩that kind of thing = そういうこと、そんなようなこと
⑪quite = かなり
⑫profound = 深い、深刻な
⑬economy = 経済
⑭foundation = 土台、基礎
⑮labor = 労働、労働者
⑯shortage = 不足
⑰long-term = 長期的な
⑱universal basic income = 最低所得補償
⑲essentially = 本質的に
⑳implication = 暗示
㉑given that ~ = ~を考慮すると
㉒capital = 資本
㉓equipment = 設備
㉔distill ~ = ~を蒸留する
㉕if you’d like = お望みであれば

“given that ~”ってどういう意味?

“given that~”は『~ということを考慮すると』という表現なのですが、知らないとさっぱり意味がわからなくなり、リスニング中にフリーズしてしまうので覚えておいて損はないフレーズです。”given O(名詞)”で『Oを考慮すると』という使い方もできます。

Given that he lives in the UK, it makes sense that he can speak English fluently.

Given her situation, we shouldn’t invite her to the party.



最初にTesla Botが踊っていた時に正直一瞬人間なのかロボットなのか迷いました(汗)

